Welcome! Below you'll find everything you need to start using what3words in your emergency communications center. Don't hesitate to reach out if you need more information or want to set up an information/training session for your team or the agencies you work with.

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  1. Introduction to what3words
  2. Accessing what3words
  3. Set up information for ECCs/PSAPs
  4. Training Information: for Telecommunicators
  5. Training Information: for Field Responders
  6. Public Comms for Community Awareness
  7. Quick Links
  8. Troubleshooting / FAQs

Introduction to what3words

Street addresses or the 'closest dispatchable address' do not always point to the right location or entrance, and many parts of America do not have an address, like parks, forests and waterways.

what3words addresses are precise to a 10ft square, so you can deliver a faster, more resource-efficient response. Every 10ft square has already been assigned a unique 3 word address - which corresponds with the location's GPS Coordinate.

Whether it's receiving a what3words address directly from a caller, or via displayed call information in a partner integration like RapidSOS, what3words helps dispatchers easily coordinate teams and field responders to exact locations, so that they can reach the incident faster.


Accessing what3words

what3words is available to PSAPS and ECCs through our free products as well as a variety of partner integrations.

what3words is available for free via: