Welcome to our Lamborghini deep dive! Below you should find everything you need to start using what3words in Lamborghini vehicles.
Selected Lamborghini models will feature what3words navigation offline (for text) via Alexa. For example, North American drivers can simply type ‘usual.trying.highs’ in their navigation screen to get directions to the exact 3 metre square with the best view of San Francisco’s Golden Gate Bridge.
Text input
Note: Text input works even without connectivity
Select what3words from the destination search menu.
Type a what3words address into the navigation destination field. Make sure it's in the format word.word.word with the words separated by periods and no spaces.
Tap the correct what3words address from the options presented.
Voice input
Note: Voice input only works with a mobile signal
Say “Alexa, take me to what3words" and the what3words address of your destination eg. "Alexa, take me to what3words late noodle panel".
Once prompted, say "Yes" to set the destination.
Text input:
Open the Hurácan Connect App
Type a what3words address into the navigation search box (in the format ‘word.word.word’)
Select the correct what3words address from the options presented.
Start the journey to the precise location.
Voice input:
Open the Huracan Connect App
Say “Alexa, take me to what3words" followed by the what3words address of your destination eg. "late noodle panel"
Once prompted, say "Yes" to set the destination
Start the journey to the precise location.
Video demo:
Huracan Connect Voice Demo (from their YT).mp4